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Harassment, Discrimination, and Violence


The University of Bordeaux fosters tolerance and respect. It takes a firm stand against all types of violence and discrimination. Our watchdog office dedicated to listening, monitoring and reporting unacceptable behaviour is available to victims and witnesses.

How to react (victim or witness) ?

Have you experienced or witnessed deliberate acts of physical harm, violence,  discrimination, verbal or sexual harassment, sexist behaviour, threats, or intimidation?

Don’t be alone; professionals from the Listening, Monitoring, and Alert Unit (CEVS)
are here to support you.

Composed of professional counsellors, the unit is committed to responding effectively and promptly to the situations brought to its attention, while strictly respecting anonymity. It also works to prevent and dissuade any abusive behaviour.


Have Swift and appropriate support


  1. Alert
    Once your request has been received by the CEVS coordinator, an appointment will be scheduled for you with external psychologists appointed by the university within a maximum of 48 to 72 working hours.
  2. Anonymity and confidentiality
    The procedure guarantees your anonymity and the confidentiality of the information shared. Psychologists are bound by professional secrecy and will not disclose any information if you choose to remain anonymous.
  3. Assistance
    External psychologists, who are university partners and professionals trained in listening and support, will take care of you. During the appointment at a neutral location, these professionals will identify your needs and the steps to be taken in response to the situation. Assistance in gathering evidence will be offered.
  4. Information on procedures
    You will be provided with information on the available procedures. If you choose to lift your anonymity, CEVS will forward your report or inform the relevant services about your situation, in order to take any necessary interim
    measures and initiate disciplinary or legal proceedings, as appropriate.
  5. Support
    Following the appointment, you may be referred for psychological and/or medical follow-up.