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Student led initiatives


Culture, sport, humanitarian, science, civic… Bring your projects to life by taking advantage of the different facilities at the university designed to support student initiatives.


The solidarity and student initiative development fund (FSDIE) is at your disposal and support initiatives in the following fields:

  • culture
  • scientific projects
  • campus life
  • sporting events
  • humanitarian or solidarity actions. ​​​​​

To benefit from these grants your project has to be led by an association.
Meet with your student life center to put together your grant application.

The FSDIE can support anything from small actions to large-scale projects.
It is imperative that you meet with your Student Life Center (BVE / Bureau de la vie étudiante) to set up your project and build your grant application.


An eco-vegetable garden? A siesta pod? Automatic protective product dispensers? A recycling sorting system?
We all have ideas to improve day to day campus life. And how perfect that the participatory budget gives you to chance to bring these ideas to fruition!​​​​​​

  • Who can come up with ideas?
    All the university community: students, teachers or student societies.
  • What type of project will it fund?
    Projects which invest in the development of campus life (these projects must not incur operating or additional costs).
  • How are the projects chosen?
    A practical assessment evaluates their feasibility and exact cost before being put to a vote.
    Students can view and support their favorite projects via an online voting platform.


The CVEC is a student life and campus contribution put into place by the government. It amounts to 100 euros per student (apart from those exempted) and must be paid upon enrolment.

Part of this sum is given directly to the University of Bordeaux and will be used to improve your campus living standards:

  • Favour social support and offer assistance to students in need
  • Access to healthcare without advance payment at the Espace santé étudiants  (student health center)
  • Improve the welcome and facilities on campus
  • Develop sports activities
  • Support student association initiatives
  • Bringing art and culture to life on campus (workshops, concerts, cultural events, etc.)

It is also this money that funds the FSDIE and participatory funds.

So, no time to waste, get brainstorming!