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There are plenty of opportunities to get involved at university and bring the campus to life. So, will you get involved?


The University of Bordeaux has more than one hundred associations. Most of them are associations for specific fields of study (e.g. law, mathematics, etc.), but some are open to all students (e.g. cultural, board game, environmental associations, etc.).

Your involvement in an association may be part of a project (logistical assistance, participation in an event, etc.) or concern one of the "classic" positions (president, treasurer and secretary) or thematic responsibilities (e.g. partnerships, communication, etc.).
Your commitment can vary from a few hours in total to several hours per week throughout the year, the interest of the association resides above all in teamwork.


The university is a democracy, and by running for office you participate in the decision-making processes for matters that affect you as a student.

The elected students participate in different councils in the university and in the development and adoption of all of the important decisions in every field: pedagogy, student life, general organization, resources, etc.


  • Join the workgroups of the campus life councils who work all year round to improve the quality of life on our campus: nutrition, well-being, sustainable development...
  • Discover all the ways you can get involved on campus by taking part in the ‘Commitment Fest’ in October.
  • Find out about the ways to enhance your contribution to campus.
  • TTake action for sustainable development and social responsibility: join the network of student ambassadors who will work for the transition within the university

For more information on how to get involved, head to the Student Life Center (BVE) on your campus.