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Studying is exhausting, so to replenish yourself, consult our guide: the Crous restaurants and cafeterias available to you on all campuses.

university restaurants

The CROUS offers table service in its university restaurants (RU) and cafeterias which are located close to study spaces and usually open Monday-Friday.

Access to university restaurants is open to all students upon presentation of their AquiPASS card.              

The price of a meal is €3.30 with the option of tailoring the menu to your dietary requirements and preferences, as well as snacks.

For opening hours and catering information, visit www.crous-bordeaux.fr

Closure of the RU N°1 in Talence

The RU 1 is being renovated to better welcome you later on, and will therefore be closed. Discover all the catering solutions close to your place of study. 

Lunch break on Peixotto & Bordes campus

Locate the university restaurants

Aquipass, a must-have

When you arrive at university you will receive your own Aquipass card.

It’s your ticket into our university catering facilities as it enables you to pay in the Crous university restaurants and cafeterias (but it is essentially used for everything: access to lots of facilities, ID, verification, library card, photocopies, printing etc.).

Your Aquipass comes with an integrated izly card system that allows you to pay for your meals upon registering for a secure online account.

The izly app is available on Appstore and Google Play, make sure you download it.

An izly team member is at your disposal to help you set it up: assistance-izly@crous-bordeaux.fr


Mobile food trucks are set up throughout the week on campuses. There is something for every taste and budget: from 4 € to 10 €, with special student formulas.

Find the menus and schedules on the Facebook of the Student Life Centers


Great deal! > Les "paniers campus" (Campus baskets)

Made up of seasonal fruits and vegetables, the Campus baskets are delivered to each of the university sites in Bordeaux at a price of 5€. 

How does it work?

  1. Go to a distribution site
  2. Order and pay for your 5€ vitamin basket
  3. Come back the following week to pick up your basket and order a new one for the following week.

Distribution, schedules and composition of the baskets to consult on their Facebook page. 

Les petits paniers campus


Le comptoir d'Aliénor is a solidarity and socio-cultural grocery store. Students in financial difficulty have access to basic foodstuffs for a price between 10 and 30% of the market price.